Thursday, October 24, 2013

General Post #3

Journal Entry #3:

            There are a couple motifs that are flowing through the story, first being alcohol. Nearly all the characters drink alcohol throughout the book, mainly as a reflection of how the war is turning out. At first, the wine is very strong, and potent. The Italians are at a good stance and have won battles at the front. Towards the point of the book, where the soldiers are retreating because of German invasion, the wine is old and has lost its flavor, reflecting the retreater’s attitudes as poignant. The second motif is that Catherine mentions that Henry and she are married. This shows that they both fantasize a false reality, that they both know they can’t get married, because of the war. It’s already bad enough that Catherine is with child, in which a family is not realistic for a soldier and a nurse in the war. 

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